We are so excited to be able to offer our couples anniversary sessions! It is such a great way to continue the relationship we have with our couples, but also to give you tangible images that remind you of your beginning. So, here is our first installment of the anniversary sessions.
How long have you been married?
It will be 4 yrs in November!
When did you know he/she was the one?
When he first met my family – also seeing him around his own family. We both come from large extended families and we love to get together with them.
What is your favorite memory from your wedding day?
Walking down the aisle with my dad and seeing Matt tear-up as I was walking in. The reception was really fun too – having all of our close friends and family together in one room is a rare and special experience so we made sure to stop and soak it in.
Looking back, would you do anything differently on your wedding day?
Not really, I’m a pretty laid back person so I wasn’t stressed about details or any of that. Only thing I would change is maybe to start the wedding an hour earlier for two reasons – 1. I forgot we would be low on day time lighting for pictures because the time had just changed like the weekend before or something like that. Also, so we could have more time to dance at the reception. It really does go by so fast!
What do you feel is the most important thing you learned since getting married?
Make sure you take the time to appreciate each other, even the little things can go a long way. Always continue to “date” each other and spend time together outside of friends and family.

What do you like to do together?
We love to hang out with our friends and family. We also enjoy walking from our house and across the bridge and seeing what’s going on downtown on the weekends. We also like to just catch up Netflix and snuggle with our dogs.
What is your best marriage advice? What is the secret to your marriage?
Over the past year, we have dealt with some unexpected tragedies and loss of loved ones. We also have another close friend going through brain cancer. It has made me realize life is so precious and we should all take each day as a blessing. Fighting over silly things seems like such a waste of time in the scheme of things. Lately, when we disagree on something we kind of step back and laugh at the fact we are arguing over “who emptied the dishwasher or took out the trash last.” Those things seems so minuet to what others might be dealing with. I would say my advice is to try to laugh off the little things and appreciate your time as a couple on this precious time we have on earth. Remember there is no such thing as a perfect marriage and it’s the way you overcome a disagreement that makes you as a couple stronger. Remember, in every argument that there won’t be a “winner” and a “loser.” You are partners in everything so you’ll either win together or lose together. Try to find a solution together!
On a lighter note – Try to “tag team” everything together. Always remember to stay close to God, family, and friends. Never fall out of love! My favorite biblical quote that was read at our wedding, – “Love is patient, love is kind……Love never fails! That’s a shortened version but it’s the best marriage advice in my opinion.
Looking back, would you do anything differently on your wedding day?
Not really, I’m a pretty laid back person so I wasn’t stressed about details or any of that. Only thing I would change is maybe to start the wedding an hour earlier for two reasons – 1. I forgot we would be low on day time lighting for pictures because the time had just changed like the weekend before or something like that. Also, so we could have more time to dance at the reception. It really does go by so fast!