In case you can’t tell, we are enjoying the holidays and the snow here at the Bamber home. A few of Jack and the boys playing in the snow as well as some of John and JR are getting into character with their Mas Guapo organic seasoning which comes with the slogan, ‘For a More Handsome Chef’ and an awesome mustache. They are really rockin’ the ‘stache! JR recently travelled to Cuba and brought back a guayabera shirt for all of the boys. It was such a wonderful time to reflect on how much we have to be thankful for, we are so blessed! Merry Christmas!
BeckerThese warm my heart! Looks like you are all having a delightful Christmas!
Rosenauoh. my. word. It doesn’t get any cuter than Jack playing in the snow with that adorable fuzzy hat on! And, of course I love John’s hat, too. Glad you guys had the chance to enjoy the snow!